Saturday, November 24, 2007

Woo finally!

Heather and I decided 2 years ago to build a new house on a piece of property my dad left me. After tons of planning and going through about one years worth of King County bureaucracy we have finally received our construction permit.

I can't wait to get started. We still have a number of things to do before we start construction, including trenching in utilities, establishing the long driveway, and clearing the future house site. We also need to identify a whole slew of subcontractors since we will be acting as our own general contractor on this project.

I am afraid to write this because it will surely jinx us, but we are hoping to move into our new house by the end of 2008. Wish us luck!

We will be clearing the trees and brush to make room for the house and a decent sized yard, but will be leaving the majority of the property wooded.

Looking back down the long driveway. Long driveways are nice for privacy, but cost a lot of extra money for utility lines, gravel, etc.